Monday, 18 March 2013

This is what makes it real

There is a quote from C.S Lewis and it goes like this :
"Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originality will ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth you will, nine times out of ten become original without ever having noticed it."
This is what I plan to do here in this blog. I want to share the truths that the Bible gives us in the most simple and beautiful form possible. I may not be writing a world class novel or painting the mona lisa but I'm trying to show Jesus through my eyes. Which i think is the most beautiful form of art man can attempt.
Jesus has taken me on one heck of a Roller-coaster since he found me but i would not change a thing about it. I've been through a lot looking back. Periods of darkness and anger, feeling as holy as John the baptist and tears, enough to flood the earth one more time may I mention. To me that is what makes it real.
Its the fight. Its the knowing that no matter what can hit me Jesus is still the rock. 
Unmovable. Unchanging. No matter what the situation. 
If i was in this for the righteousness, more authority in church, a higher position is society or the appearance of being intelligent I would have been out a long time ago because i have never felt more unrighteous, humbled and darn right dumb in my entire life. Jesus has taken my well put together life and thrown it out the window. He has quite frankly turned my life into utter chaos.... I have no control over what happens to me next. But that's exactly how he likes it.. :)

I'm not a well put together Christian by any means. I'm just your average girl trying to live in the world but not be of it. (Its a lot harder than you think). Im trying to make sense of what God has planned out for me, I'm living out the greatest adventure anyone could imagine... being a Christian in 2013. 

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